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Jaden Smith Brings Just Water to Flint


Writer: Noel Austin

If you haven't been living under a rock for the past couple years, you know by now that Flint, Michigan still doesn't have clean drinking water. If you’re the United States government or the governor of Michigan, then I'm guessing you do live under a rock. The governor of Michigan ended Flint’s free water program that gave residents bottle water in 2016. The water donations that people were sending to Flint started to become less and less. The governor said that “The water in Flint is fine”, but the scientist from the area says otherwise.

Fast forward to 2019, Flint may start to get fresh water. Jaden Smith started his own water company, Just Water in 2012. The company uses 100% spring water that is taken from the earth and ran through a microfilter. The containers the water comes in are eco-friendly paper cartons to save bottles from being used and damaging the earth. You can purchase this water from your local shopping market.

Jaden Smith teamed up with First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in Flint, Michigan to start sending boxes of his own water to Flint. Starting March 1st, Jaden says that they will ship out water filtration systems to help filter out the lead and other poisons in the water. This is a testament to what we as people must do and help one and other in this country instead of being divided and greedy.

If you want to help the people in Flint Michigan you can go to for information on how to help this community. They are currently looking for more volunteers to help pass out water. If you live in the Flint area you can go and sign up at the Red Cross.

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