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5 Productive Apps You Need On Your Phone While On Quarantine


Writer: Raven Harper

Since we are on quarantine and stuck in the house, we have all been glued to our phones. Why not use them for something productive? I have come up with a few apps you could download to help you stay productive and sane during this coronavirus.

1. Egenda: Homework Manager

Egenda is an app that keeps track of all your assignments, projects, test, and other important things to do on a schedule-deadline type style designed specifically for students and educators but useful for anyone. You enter in all the different classes you have and its color coordinates them and all your assignments according to what class it is. Then, all your assignments coming up soon get organized so you know what you need to work on soon and what you have a little bit of time to do. Great for my fellow college and high school students.

2. Apple Podcast

Listening to podcasts is a great thing to start during a time like this when you have a lot of free time. On the podcast app, you can browse different categories you might wanna listen to like; self-care, news, entrepreneurship, relationships, religion, etc. You can save multiple podcasts to stay up-to-date for when they release new ones. Great for expanding your mind. Also good to feel like you're talking to someone and getting your social time in during this social distancing.

3. Kindle: eBooks and Magazines / Audible: Audio Books

Take this break to start reading! With Kindle, you can purchase that book you've always wanted to read and start it. Kindle is like an online virtual book that you can also make notes in, highlight, bookmark, etc. Audible is similar but it lets you listen to the book so you can multitask if you're driving, taking a shower, etc.

4. Youper: Emotional Health Assistant

Youper is like having a virtual therapist. In a text-message style conversation, the app asks you how you're feeling, your current mood and ask you more questions as to why you are feeling like that, listening to what you have to say. It then helps you come up with a solution to how you are feeling and keeps track of your conversations and moods. Great for someone who can't necessarily afford or find a therapist, or just don't feel comfortable talking to someone. The creators of this app are actual licensed psychiatrists and doctors.

5. Nike Training: Workout & Fitness Guidance

Trying to work out but stuck in the house? Nike Training has hundreds of workouts designed for specific goals. Abs, Glutes, endurance, yoga, full equipment, and exercises with no equipment. It does the full workout with you by demonstrating how to do each workout while counting down the time for each exercise. It also allows you to play music from your Apple Music if you want. Great for getting in shape while in quarantine.

I hope these apps help you stay sane and productive during this world crisis going on. 

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