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Can College Students Maintain a Monogamous Relationship?


Writer: Kimani Leftridge

It is a well-known fact that college is difficult; you have difficult classes with difficult professors, difficult financial situations and you may be living with difficult people. To deal with the stress of the academy many students will find solace in several things. Romantic companionship can serve as a stress reliever or a source of validation, it can be a very positive aspect of one’s life. However, we know all too well that romantic relationships can be stressful, anxiety-inducing and even traumatic.

Despite the growing acceptance of polyamorous relationships, humans still tend to gravitate towards the idea of monogamy. Even college students can’t help but fantasize about being with one person for the rest of their life. But, are monogamous relationships sustainable in a college environment?

As stated before, college is filled with different obstacles. Is it wise to pursue something that takes a large amount of time and energy during this part of one’s life? Your mother may strongly advise against it with endless cautionary tales from her college days, while your friends may encourage your pursuit in hopes that you’ll find the love of your life. Relationships can be a nuisance at times, especially if the person or the situation is toxic and more often than not at this stage, they will end at some point. But there are several examples of college relationships standing the test of time and leading to marriage.

If you decide to pursue a monogamous relationship while enrolled in your college or university, here are some tips to ensure that your experience is healthy and enjoyable:

1. Set clear boundaries: be sure to express what you will and will not tolerate.

2. School comes first: no matter what remember what you’re in college for; your education.

3. Be open and honest: be sure to share what you are feeling with your partner.

4. Create a balanced visiting schedule: if the two of you are long-distance be sure to create a schedule that works for both of you.

5. And finally, move on! If the relationship does not work out it is okay to be upset and dwell on it. But remember that this is only a blip in your life and take the appropriate steps to move on towards a better future.

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