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Personal Maintenance, But Make It Black: Our Favorite Ways to Practice Self-Care


Writer: Christina Presmy

This week I asked our own members to provide ways they practice self-care!

Between the Black Lives Matter movement at an all-time high involvement, emotions everywhere, COVID-19 having us still stuck at home, schools shut, and more self-care is more important than ever.

Instead of looking at this trying time as depressing and being unmotivated, take this time to care for you if you haven't had time to in a while. Thankfully we have got you covered on just how to do so!

Alexandria - Health Writer

Yoga, Face Masks, & Working Out 

“I love yoga because it’s 30 minutes out of my day filled with harmony and peace. I’ve done yoga before, but I just fully committed to it this last week.  It’s very helpful because of what’s going on with BLM and because I’m a very pensive person, so I get to turn my brain off and not have to worry so much about what’s going on. I achieve so much inner peace and I’m a hippie at heart so it completes me.”

Raven- Writer

Journal, Doing Enjoyable Things, Working Out, Eating Healthy 

“To me, journaling is like a therapist that doesn't necessarily talk back to you, but is there to listen. It helps me to get all of my thoughts out of my head and written out so I can really process and see what I’m feeling and why.”

Aiyana - Social Media

Skincare Routine & Coloring Book

“I practice self-care by doing my skincare routine every night. I realized that when my body feels good on the outside, I feel even better on the inside.”

“Grabbing my coloring book and blasting music gives me a chance to step away from social media and just give my brain a break.”

Adora - Writer 

Working Out, Music, TV

“As cliche as this might sound, watching TV really does relax me! There are a couple of shows I love to rewatch over and over again. Just having free time and laughing is a nice, stress-free moment.”

Da’Zhane - Writer

Online Shopping, Music, Reading

“Music is the perfect pastime for me. It really allows for you to calm down and focus, or just relax depending on what the playlist is on.”

“I love clothes and believe in spoiling myself!”

“I like finding out new interesting facts or learning about new topics. When reading novels I am able to really be carefree.”

Marlize - Writer

Draw, Paint, & Piano 

“I love to draw, or paint so I can express myself and use a creative outlet at the same time.”

“Learning new music on my piano allows me to focus on something and relax.” 

Cirsten - Editor

Journaling, Sleep

“I use sleeping as a self-care routine reset. I truly believe that sleep is the most underrated form of self care.”

Christina - Lifestyle Writer 

Driving & Podcasts, Journaling, & Massages 

“Working from home means that I am here literally 24/7. I eat, cook, bathe, sleep, and do everything in this house. Sometimes I definitely need a good escape. For me that looks like getting  in my car late at night, turning on one of my favorite podcasts ( Black Carefree Diaries usually!) and just burning gas lol! Honestly though, it’s so relaxing especially when the roads are clear .”

“I also love a good massage or facial session. There’s nothing like being in a relaxation room filled with silence having the knots in your body eliminated by a professional, and I love it.” 

There you have it, now you can start applying some of these to your weekly routine and making changes where you see fit. 

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